Tuesday, October 22, 2019

50 Ornament Trim Brushes & 70 Ornament Brushes – VOL 01

50 Ornament Trim Brushes
This product include 50 Ornament Trim Brushes for Zbrush, I’ve made two preview examples for all brushes here.

70 Ornament Brushes – VOL 01
This is a Ornament alpha/brush set for ZBrush, Substance Painter, Quixel DDO and NDO etc.

FlippedNormals - Introduction to Substance Painter

In this Introduction to Substance Painter series, you’ll learn everything you need to know in order to get started with Substance Painter. The first part will get your familiar with the commonly used tools, and in the second part, we’ll texture a real-world asset. We also cover essential texture practices, helping you develop a proper workflow you can use to texture anything.

Monday, October 21, 2019

40 ZBrush VDMs MOUTHS+5 bonus variations+fbx-obj

High detail mouths of all sorts to concept with, augment existing sculpts or kickstart a new creature. Here is a video demonstrating how I like to use it plus some tips.

Gnomon Workshop - Creating A Stylized Female Character - The Making of Lyn-Z with Crystal Bretz

In this tutorial Senior Character/Creature Modeler Crystal Bretz takes you through her entire workflow for creating a stylized female cha...