Sunday, November 11, 2018

Gumroad – Fabric Materials - COMPLETE PACK - 4K - Tileable by Travis Davids

This is the COMPLETE PACK including both part 1 and part 2 of my fabrics pack. It includes 52 tileable fabric materials at 4K resolution (+ 4 BONUS Materials). There is also a substance painter material provided for each fabric. All materials were scanned and enhanced with Substance Designer.

The following maps are included:
Diffuse, Normal, Roughness, Metallic/Specular, Opacity
I still wouldn't recommend these for extreme closeups. They are fine for close to mid range.
These are meant for clothing but they could also be used for environmental props like blankets, curtains, carpets etc.
NOTE: It's 70 materials in total. 24 pack one + 26 pack two materials + 10 bonus materials + 10 more experimental bonus materials.

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